Friday, September 2, 2011

My Master Cleanse Adventure

WARNING: This is told as it is and it's not pretty!

So today is the first day of my Master cleanse. For those of you who don't know what the Master cleanse is, it is a total body makeover/ weight loss cleanse. You start the day with a salt water flush: 32 oz lukewarm water with 2 tsp sea salt. Then throughout the day, drink a combination of lemon juice, grade b maple syrup and cayenne pepper with water. You drink 60 ounces of that mixture a day, plus any extra water that you want, but NOTHING else. You end the day with an organic herbal laxative tea. They recommend that you start out with a 5 day cleanse, then you can do a 10-14 day cleanse. I'm starting with 5 to see how it goes. I also bought my grade B maple syrup on It was $20 cheaper than Gregory's Wheat shop in Bountiful. If you want more info on getting the best price, let me know. There are many, many "said" benefits with this cleanse which include:
Gained energy and vitality; Better regularity and digestion; Cleansing of the whole body, not just the colon; Can assist the body in stabilizing blood sugar and lowering blood pressure; Greater joint flexibility, less pain, better sleep, and better relaxation, A reduction of inflammation, pain, digestive disorders, and lethargy; A reduction of mucus in the body (less congestion), help with allergies, asthma, and acne; Creating a balanced pH environment that is less hospitable to disease; Clearer thinking for a healthier and happier disposition; Help with improving mental problems and depression; Feeling vibrant and looking radiant w/ glowing skin; Drug detoxification and a cleaner bloodstream; Improved sense of smell and taste. Help with past food sensitivities and food allergies; An enhanced immune system giving assistance with many ailments from A to Z; Renewed taste buds with an appreciation and appetite for healthier and simpler foods; Conditions that generally respond well to fasting in general and a truly healthy diet are rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, asthma, lupus, uterine fibroids, colitis, headaches, and aging!

Day 1
I'm spilling it all out. I have had 3 kids in 3 years and that is my excuse!
Weight: 205 lbs
Waist: 44.5"
Thighs: L: 27.5" R: 26.5"
Booty: 47"

8:30 am, salt water flush. It's hard enough to drink 32 ounces of anything all at once, but ESPECIALLY when it's warm, and freakin salt water. I just thought to myself that I had to chug it. The first few swallows were so horrible (as you can imagine) but I just kept going. I am using a hospital mug, they have measurements so you don't have to guess. Those big straws really help. One big gulp is about an ounce, so I just counted the whole time. It says to stay in the house (or VERY close to a restroom) for the next 2 hours. They are not kidding, this is a FLUSH. Now comes the super gross part... much to be expected with this kind of thing... Half an hour later (on the dot) I was running to the bathroom, then twice more within the next 10 minutes and it just keeps coming. Now here is a gross yet very important tip... when you feel the urge to go, GO! Don't wait! I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow with the salt water flush AND the laxative tea......
I'm going to mix up my lemon syrup mix in a minute. It says to drink it whenever you're hungry or thirsty.
I will do another update tonight. I'm getting a foot zone today to help things along and hopefully I won't have to cancel due to my recent love for the bathroom :)

1 comment:

Trevor and Alaina Baty said...

excited to hear the results!! Stick with it you'll do great!!!