Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 2

Up early this morning to get this yucky morning over with. Zack has to film 4 football games today and I'm always there with him. I drank my salt water flush at 6:30 am. I don't think I mentioned last night but I had a moderate headache for many many hours. I also fell asleep at about 8ish and I slept really good. Zack was up all night coming in and out and I still went right back to sleep even with my headache. I didn't dare take any meds because my body is trying to get rid of all of the crap inside. I put on a little peppermint essential oil, but other than the smell, it didn't help at all. The tea was pretty bad. I even added a little bit of honey, but it still tasted like cardboard with fennel, which I'm really sensitive to. Luckily 8 oz is a very small amount and my body liked the warmth of it and really put me right to sleep. I have a little cramping this morning and have a really bad back ache that is shooting pain down my left leg. No fun.
I will definitely put the cayenne pepper into 4 capsules today. I'm planning on the drink being 100% better without the pepper taste. Heck, maybe I can go longer than 5 days!

End of day 2:
Today has been great! I wasn't hungry at all, and I seemed to have more energy. I did however have a headache all day which got worse as the night went on. I've read about headaches during the master cleanse and it said that you'll get them because your body is detoxifying fast and also that you can get them if you were addicted to caffeine, which I wasn't. It went away sometime after midnight. Again I slept really good. Not as good as the first night, but still. The "lemonade" is so much better (obviously) without the cayenne pepper added into it. Just a warning though... I kept forgetting to take my capsules, and so at the end of the day with my last drink, I took 3 capsules.... DO NOT DO THIS! It felt like a fireball in my stomach. I felt terrible.

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